The Herschlag Lab attacks complex problems utilizing an interdisciplinary approach, spanning and integrating physics, chemistry and biology.
These interdisciplinary approaches are facilitated through fruitful interactions with collaborators.
These collaborators are listed below:
Russ Altman, Stanford University
David Baker, Washington
Steve Block, Stanford University
Steve Boxer, Stanford University
Pat Brown, Stanford University
Steve Chu, Stanford University
Rhiju Das, Stanford University
Sebastian Doniach, Stanford University
Timothy Fenn, Stanford University
Pehr Harbury, Stanford University
Britt Hedman, SSRL (SLAC)
Chaitan Khosla, Stanford University
Alain Laederach, Wadsworth
Hideo Mabuchi, Stanford University
Vijay Pande, Stanford University
Rohit Pappu, Washington University in St. Louis
Gregory Petsko, Brandeis
Joseph Piccirilli, University of Chicago
Peter Qin, USC
Dagmar Ringe, Brandeis
Rick Russell, University of Texas at Austin
Snorri Sigurdsson, University of Iceland
Bill Weis, Stanford University
Marcus Wilhemsson, Chalmers