Supplementary data to our publications

Unpublished supplementary data referred to in our articles are posted here.
Articles are listed in reverse chronological order, so please scroll down to look for older articles.

Gene-microarray analysis of Multiple Sclerosis lesions yields new targets validated in autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Lock C, Hermans G, Pedotti R, Brendolan A, Schadt E, Garren H, Langer-Gould A,  Strober S, Cannella B, Allard J, Klonowski P, Austin A, Lad N, Kaminski N, Galli SJ, Oksenberg JR, Raine CS, Heller R, Steinman L.
Nat Med 2002, May;8(5):500-8

Click this link to view the supplementary material page. Hosted by Nature Medicine.


Autoantigen microarrays for multiplex characterization of autoantibody responses
Robinson WH, DiGennaro C, Hueber W, Haab BB, Kamachi M, Dean EJ, Fournel S, Fong D, Genovese MC, De Vegvar HEN, Skriner K, Hirschberg DL, Morris RI, Muller S, Pruijn GJ, van Venrooij WJ, Smolen JS, Brown PO, Steinman L, Utz PJ.
Nat Med 2002 Mar;8(3):295-301

Check the antigen array website for additional methods and protocols.


Prolonged survival and decreased abnormal movements in transgenic model of Huntington disease, with administration of the transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine.
Karpuj MV, Becher MW, Springer JE, Chabas D, Youssef S, Pedotti R, Mitchell D, Steinman L.
Nat Med 2002 Feb;8(2):143-9
Click this link to open the movie. You'll need to have the free Realplayer 8 or a compatible media player installed to view it.
Please note there is no soundtrack to this movie.


The influence of the proinflammatory cytokine, osteopontin, on autoimmune demyelinating disease.
Chabas D, Baranzini SE, Mitchell D, Bernard CC, Rittling SR, Denhardt DT, Sobel RA, Lock C, Karpuj M, Pedotti R, Heller R, Oksenberg JR, Steinman L.
Science 2001 Nov 23;294(5547):1731-5
Click this link to view the supplementary data page. Hosted by Science magazine.


This website originally designed by Dr. Christopher Lock, updated by Dr. Guy Hermans. Most recent update: 05/2002.
Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or better.