Stanford University
School of Medicine

Dept of Biochemistry

Beckman Center, B400
279 W. Campus Dr. MC: 5307
Stanford, CA 94305

(650) 723-6161

  • Room Photos
  • B100
  • B181
  • B200 HHMI CR
  • B230 HHMI Lib
  • B402 Biochem Lib
  • B475 Biochem CR
  • Munzer Auditorium
  • Clark Ctr Auditorium

B100 MCP Conference Room
Seats: 10 at table, 3 on couch, 15+ surrounding
Features: Projector, Whiteboard, Kitchen adjacent

B181 MCP Library:
Seats: 10 at table, 10 surrounding
Features: Projector, Whiteboard
B100 B181

B200 HHMI Conference Room
Seats: 18 at table, 20 surrounding
Features: Projector, Whiteboard

B230 HHMI Library

Seats: ~10 at table, 15 surrounding
Features: Projector, Whiteboard

B402 Biochemistry Library
Seats: ~20 at table, 6 on couches, lots of chairs
Features: Projector, Podium, Whiteboard

B475 Biochemistry Conference Room
Seats: 10 at table, few surrounding, compact
Features: Projector, Whiteboard
B402BiochemLib B475BiochemCR

Munzer Auditorium: 101 persons capacity
Location: Ground floor of Beckman Center in B06

Features: Theater-Style Seating, Projector, Whiteboard, Podium

Clark Center Auditorium: 150 person capacity
Location: Clark Center South Wing - Basement
Features: Theater-Style Seating, Projector, Whiteboard, Podium
Munzer ClarkCenter

View calendars for roooms in Beckman, Munzer & Clark Center Auditoriums.

To make a reservation by email, click on the appropriate individual's name below. Be sure to include your departmental information, purpose of reservation, start and ending time.

Theresa Zabarate
1st Floor
(Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
Martha Drews
2nd Floor
Susan Elliott
3rd Floor (Developmental Biology)
Morgan Williams
4th Floor (Biochemistry)
Jane Kroeten Munzer Auditorium
(Email only)
Clark Center Auditorium