
Stanford Research Symposium
August 22 & 23, 2008

Welcome and Discoveries from the 60s highlighted

Baldomero Olivera 1966-1968 (Lehman)
Distinguished Professor of Biology,
University of Utah

Lou Reichardt 1965-1972 (Kaiser)

Professor of Physiology and Biochemistry &
Biophysics, UCSF

Discoveries from the 70s highlighted

Janet Mertz 1970-1975 (Berg)
Professor of Oncology, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health

Randy Schekman 1970-1974 (Kornberg)
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology,
and HHMI Investigator, UC Berkeley

Tom Shenk 1973-1975 (Berg)
James A. Elkins Professor of Molecular Biology,
Princeton University

Discoveries from the 80s highlighted

Peter Kim 1979-1985 (Baldwin)

President, Merck Research Laboratories

Coming Soon!

Jeremy Nathans 1980-1986 (Hogness)
Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics,
HHMI Investigator,
Johns Hopkins Medical School

Steve Elledge 1984-1989 (Davis)

The Gregor Mendel Professor of Genetics at
Harvard Medical School

Susan Marqusee 1983-1989 (Baldwin)

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
UC Berkeley

Discoveries from the 90s highlighted

Geeta Narlikar 1992-1998 (Herschlag)
Asst. Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF

Joe DeRisi 1993-1999 (Brown)

HHMI Investigator, Professor and Tomkins Chair,
UCSF Dept of Biochemistry and Biophysics.

William Shih 1994-2000 (Spudich)
Asst. Professor of Biological Chemistry and
Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School

Closing Remarks

Photos from Jack Griffith from the 60s, 70s and 80s
(link to website)

Protein Synthesis: An Epic On The Cellular Level

Dale Kaiser metabolism rap-video