Group Members


Front Row
(from left to right)
Tom Lampo (
Shengya Cao (
Whitney Johnson (
Bradley French (
Teddy Yewdell (
Justin Smith (

Second Row (left to right)
Charles Limouse (
Amanda Amodeo (
Mark Kelly (
Fred Westhorpe (
Aaron Straight (

Marieke Rozendaal (
Ben Moree (between the columns)
Colin Fuller (

Aaron Straight Principal Investigator
Aaron Straight Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biochemistry
Ph.D. in Biochemistry (U.C. San Francisco)

Our work is directed at understanding the mechanisms that ensure high fidelity genome maintenance and segregation in eukaryotes. We use a wide variety of experimental systems ranging from yeasts and flies to frogs and humans in order to address biophysical, biochemical and cell biological questions in chromosome biology. We are particularly interested in how cells accurately segregate chromosomes to daughter cells during mitosis and meiosis to produce viable daughters and gametes so that an organism can grow, develop and proliferate. Our research has focused on understanding how the chromosomal centromere and kinetochore function to link the chromosomes to the mitotic spindle that segregates chromosomes during division. We are also interested in how chromosomes are organized within the interphase nucleus and mitotic chromosome so that the genome can be actively transcribed, replicated and segregated and yet accurately maintained and packaged within the nucleus and cell.

Current Lab Members
Aaron Straight
Whitney Johnson
Graduate Student in Biochemistry

I’m interested in how specialized domains of eukaryotic chromosomes are specified and maintained through RNA dependent processes.  I am coupling biochemical, cell biological, genomic and optical technologies to study these processes in human cells.

Bradley French
Bradley French
Graduate Student in Biochemistry

I'm interested in how the epigenetic identity of centromeric chromatin is maintained through successive cell divisions.  I use a combination of biochemical and cell biological tools -- including cell-free reconstitution of centromere assembly in Xenopus egg extract -- to study how the assembly of CENtromere Protein A (CENP-A) is carried out with spatial and temporal specificity.
Teddy Yewdell
Teddy Yewdell
Graduate Student in Biochemistry

Aaron has a saying that goes something like this: “ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK!!!” In lab, I try live my life by this one rule. This credo has led me to maraud into a new realm for the Straight Lab, on a quest to answer the question “what is nucleic acid binding worth to heterochromatic proteins?” My tactical approach is focused around an arsenal of hard-hitting biochemical techniques with a healthy dose of cell and molecular biology.
Frederick Westhorpe

Frederick Westhorpe

Post-doctoral Fellow

The centromere is a specialized DNA locus that is absolutely essential for correct chromosome segregation during cell division. I am developing novel biochemical techniques to study how the underlying chromatin of the centromere, defined by nucleosomes containing CENP-A, is maintained through the cell cycle. I am building centromeres in vitro using recombinant histones, purified DNA and Xenopus Laevis egg extracts. My work centers on 1) how CENP-A nucleosomes epigenetically promote the assembly of new CENP-A nucleosomes 2) how CENP-A nucleosomes are segregated during DNA replication, and 3) how other centromere proteins regulate these processes.
Jason Bell

Jason Bell

Post-doctoral Fellow

Molecular genetics isn't just the study what genes you have, but also how those genes are spatially and temporally organized to encode the functional architecture of the genome. Two components of nuclear architecture are of particular interest to me. First, I am interested in the spatiotemporal organization of the centromere, and am developing methods to visualize its assembly, maturation and turnover on single chromatin fibers. Orthogonally, I am also interested in the global architecture of nuclear chromatin defined by the insulator and boundary protein CTCF, which has pleiotropic functions that are essential for proper embryonic development, cell differentiation and tumor suppression. Pursuant to both of these interests, I am using advanced imaging methods to visualize the structural dynamics of both reconstituted chromatin fibers and chromatin in living cells.
Jason Bell

Matthew Miell

Post-doctoral Fellow

I'm studying two aspects of centromere dynamics: 1) The influence of centromeric chromatin organization on centromere function and 2) how proteins of the centromere and kinetochore complexes interact in a cell cycle-specific manner to assemble a functional kinetochore during mitosis and meiosis. I use a combination of two main techniques, the cell-free assembly of centromeres and kinetochores in Xenopus egg extract (developed in this lab) and single molecule imaging of chromatin arrays.
Jason Bell

Shengya Cao

Graduate Student

The centromere is a unique region on the chromosome that specifies the site of microtubule attachment and thus regulates chromosome segregation. This region is specified epigenetically by the presence of CenpA, a histone H3 variant. So far, two centromere proteins have been shown to directly interact with CenpA: CenpC and CenpN. I am interested in how CenpN regulates CenpA incorporation into centromeric chromatin and centromere formation.

Anthony Cordova - Undergraduate Student at Stanford University

Maia Kinnebrew – Rotation Student in Biochemistry

Joint with other labs

Tom Lampo
Graduate Student in Chemical Engineering (Spakowitz Lab)

I'm interested in the biophysics of chromosome organization and motion.  I develop physical models for the motion of chromosomal DNA that are inspired by theory from polymer physics and can be directly compared to experimental measurements using fluorescent locus tracking in live cells.
Aaron Straight

Viviana Risca
Ph.D. - Post-doctoral Fellow in Genetics (Greenleaf Lab)

I am interested in the mechanisms that organize chromatin at intermediate length scales and the role that chromatin compaction plays in regulating chromatin accessibility, gene expression, and the biophysical properties of chromosomes. I use a high-throughput sequencing approach to develop new methods for studying the in vivo three-dimensional structure of chromatin on the 100 bp to kb length scale.

David Jukam Ph.D. – Joint Post-doctoral Fellow (Skotheim Lab, Biology)

Charles Limouse, Ph.D. – Joint Post-doctoral Fellow (Mabuchi Lab, Applied Physics)

Former Lab Members

Straight lab alumni: where are they now?

  • Annika Guse Ph.D. Assistant Professor University of Heidelberg (Center for Organismal Studies)
  • Colin Fuller Ph.D. Data Scientist/Engineer Khan Academy
  • Ben Moree Ph.D. Senior Scientist Biodesy
  • Topher Carroll Ph.D. Assistant Professor Yale University (Department of Cell Biology)
  • Laila Strickland Ph.D. Scientist 108Labs
  • Kristina Godek Ph.D. Post-doctoral Fellow Dartmouth College (Duane Compton Lab)
  • Kristin Milks Ph.D. Teacher Bloomington High School South
  • Ian Brennan Ph.D. Scientist Amunix
  • Craig Betts Ph.D. Scientist Clontech
  • Dina Finan Ph.D. Scientist Genencor
  • Corey Meyer Ph.D. Post-doctoral Fellow University of Virginia (Jim Casanova Lab)
  • Amanda Amodeo Lewis Sigler Fellow Princeton University
  • Justin Smith Undergraduate Summer Student Catawba College
  • Marieke Rozendaal Research Assistant IRIC
  • Caroline Horn Scientist Pioneer Hi-Bred International
  • Melanie Santos-Marrero Graduate Student in Immunology U. Penn
  • Mark Kelly Graduate Student in Structural Biology Stanford University
  • Andy Nguyen Medical Student Harvard Medical School
  • Straight lab alumni: where are they now?