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Leland Accounts

A Leland account grants members of the Stanford community an e-mailbox as well as access to the internet via modem.

Faculty, staff, and registered students are automatically entitled to Leland account priveleges and only need to fill out the form properly to get an account.

All others (including visiting scholars) must get a sponsored or basic Leland account. After completing the online Leland Account Request Form (at the link below), contact Lore Karrer at the Biochemistry Department Office in B400 or by email in order to receive sponsorship.

Sign Up for a Leland Account
The Leland Sign-Up pages are available at the ITSS web site. Contact ITSS (phone 5-8181) for help with any of the forms at their site. You will need your University ID Number (printed on your Stanford ID card) and PIN number. Call ITSS at 5-8181 if you've forgotten your PIN. Don't forget to sign up for your CMGM email account.
Connecting your Home Computer to the Network
Directions for configuring your home computer to connect to the internet via modem are available at the Remote Access link.
Join Biochemistry Departmental Mailing Lists
Once your CMGM or Leland email address is activated (ie, you have received confirmation that your account is open and accessible), sign up for the Biochemistry Departmental mailing lists.
Forwarding mail from Leland to your CMGM email Account
If you have signed up for CMGM and Leland email, you will have two email accounts. To simplify the process of reading your email you can make email sent to your Leland account automatically transfer to your CMGM email address. To do this, follow the directions here.
Using Eudora to Read email
Directions for downloading, installing, and configuring Eudora to read email from CMGM accounts. Directions for configuring Eudora for reading email from Leland mail are available at the ITSS Eudora Pages.

Last Updated: Friday, April 2, 1999