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Entrance - Beckman Center Security

There are many risks associated with running computers on a network. This page addresses solutions for network security issues on the Stanford campus.

The Stanford University Network Security Team (SUNSet) publishes a current list of Security Advisories and an updated list of Security Tools. It also advises the practice of Secure Desktop Computing, including the use of PC-Leland and MacLeland software. The ITSS Security pages are located here.

PC- and Mac-Leland are strongly recommended for all computer users. CMGM Users: we are requiring Kerberos connections to CMGM and PMGM. Find out how to easily safeguard your passwords using the platform-specific instructions below.

PC Security
These pages contain instructions for configuring Windows-based computers to use PC-Leland software.

MacOS Security
These pages contain instructions for configuring MacOS-based computers to use MacLeland software.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, March 10, 1999