Software Dept. of Biochemistry
Home Networking Remote Access Software Security Services Support

Entrance - Beckman Center Software for Stanford Faculty, Students, and Staff

The software page includes links to MacStanford and PCStanford for your networking software needs, links to Stanford's MacOS system software distribution site, and a link for CMGM's own commercial software distribution site. Leland logins are required for the Mac- and PC- Stanford pages.

Eudora configuration instructions designed specifically for CMGM email accounts are available at this link here.

CMGM Keyserver
The Biochemistry Keyserver provides valuable commercial software to the whole department. Concurrent use of the software offered is monitored by Sassafras Corporation's Keyserver technology. Discover how you can download commercial software for Biochemistry lab computers.

This page contains download links for obtaining Eudora (for email), Netscape (for World Wide Web), Fetch, MacTCP, MacSLIP, a password protection program (MacLeland), and other software for your all your Macintosh networking needs. A SUNet ID and password are required to download the software .

Stanford MacOS Page
You will find site-licensed downloadable copy of MacOS version 8.5 (400+ MB download) on the following pages. A SUNet ID and password are required to download the software.

This page contains download links for obtaining Eudora (for email), Netscape (for World Wide Web), and a password protection program (MacLeland), and other software for your all your Windows networking needs. A SUNet ID and password are required to download the software.

MacStanford/PCStanford CD-ROMS
The CD-ROM contains all the software at the MacStanford and PCStanford sites. You can request a loaner copy by sending me an email here.

Last Updated: Friday, April 2, 1999