Remote Access Dept. of Biochemistry
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Starting Tuesday April 20, 1999 the functions of the Biochemistry Keyserver are being replaced by those of the Bioinformatics Keyserver. Consequently, the KeyAccess program will need to be reconfigured to login to a different Keyserver and most keyed software applications will need to be replaced by Bioinformatics versions available below (step 2).

Every lab in the Beckman Center building is automatically permitted access to the commercial software provided by the Bioinformatics Resource. In order to take advantage of the keyed software you need a working network connection (directions for making a network connection are available here).

Follow the steps below to download keyed software onto your lab computer:

Verify your Macintosh Computer has the KeyAccess Client Software and it is Properly Configured.

If your computer is configured to use keyed software from the Biochemistry Keyserver you should reconfigure the Keyaccess client program. Users of computers that have never run keyed software before should follow the directions at the Bioinformatics Keyserver Software pages.

Download and Install Keyed Software from the Software Page.

The list of available software for Macintosh from the CMGM/Bioinformatics Keyserver. A CMGM email account and password are required to download the software from this page. Many keyed applications that worked with the Biochemistry Keyserver will need to be replaced by those of the Bioinformatics keyserver.

Main CMGM Keyserver Page

Last Updated: Friday, April 9, 1999