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Configuring Eudora for Multiple Users

This document applies to both Macintosh and PC versions of Eudora describes how to configure a single computer with a single copy of Eudora to read the email of several users.

Warning: The procedures described here do not address privacy issues. Anyone who has access to the computer where you store your mail can read any message in any directory or folder on the hard drive.

Multiple Users using Eudora for Macintosh
Install Eudora Pro normally, launch it and set up any global settings. A folder, titled "Eudora Folder", with all of Eudora's settings will automatically get created in the System Folder.

Exit Eudora and create a new folder in the System Folder called Eudora-MultiUser (you can actually call this folder whatever you like).

Move the existing Eudora Folder into the Eudora-MultiUser folder. Duplicate that Eudora Folder for as many users that are needed.

Note: On heavily used, very public machines, it may be a good idea to keep a template folder in case new users are added later.

Rename these Eudora Folders to the users' names.

Create a dummy file called "Eudora Folder" in the System Folder (to prevent Eudora from creating another one.)

Create an alias for each settings file ("Eudora Settings") in the renamed Eudora folders and rename the settings file to include the name of each user. Place the alias in the "Apple Menu Items" folder (under the System Folder) or on the desktop.

Select each alias in the Apple menu and set up individual settings in Eudora for each person.

Using Eudora for Multiple Users on a Macintosh

Whenever a user wants to read email , they must open their renamed "Eudora Settings" file, not the Eudora application itself. Opening the Eudora application itself will force Eudora to use the Settings file in the "Eudora Folder" inside the System folder, instead of the settings file for the user.

Multiple Users using Eudora for Windows

Follow these steps to create an e-mail shortcut for a person named Joe (substitute your name or any name you like):

Find the "Eudora" folder on your hard drive. This folder is usually in: C:\Program Files\. If you have difficulty finding it, use the Find command on the Start menu.

Create a folder called "Joe" in the "Eudora" folder by selecting "New" and "Folder" from the File menu within the Eudora folder window. Name the folder Joe (or whatever name you choose).

Copy the "Eudora settings" file from the Eudora folder to Joe's folder.

In the Eudora folder, click on the "eudora.ini" file and drag it to the folder called Joe while holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard. In Windows 95 this file may be one of several labeled simply Eudora. If you have trouble locating it, choose "Details" from the "View" menu and look for a file with eudora.ini in the "Name" column and "Configuration Settings" in the "Type" column.

Create a shortcut for Eudora.exe. In the original Eudora folder, right click on eudora.exe. From the drop-down menu select "Create Shortcut". A mailbox icon labeled Shortcut to eudora.exe will appear. Click on the shortcut icon and drag it to the desktop.

Right click on the shortcut icon and select Rename. Type a name that will help you recognize this icon, such as "Joe's mail".

Right click again on the shortcut icon and select "Properties". A Properties window will appear. Select the Shortcut tab:

In the "Target:" field, you'll see the full path to the original eudora.exe file, highlighted. Click to the right of the highlighted text and add a blank space followed by the full path to Joe's new folder: "C:\Program Files\Eudora\Joe" Put quotation marks around the path as in the example above.

Also add the path to Joe's folder in the "Start in:" field and click the "OK" button.

Double click on the Joe's Mail shortcut to start Eudora. In the Eudora window, choose Options from the Tools menu and configure Eudora with Joe's personal information. Each person must configure Eudora with his or her own information. You can read about how to configure Eudora in the Configure Eudora for Windows page.

Tips for using PC Eudora after it's set up on a shared machine

Always open Eudora by using the shortcut for your mail to avoid viewing e-mail messages that belong to others.

Always cancel your Kerberos ticket (in PC-Leland) when you finish using Eudora so the next person will not get a password error.

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 16, 1999