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Kerberizing Networking Sessions with MacLeland

These pages describe how to use MacLeland, Stanford's Kerberizing application.

What is MacLeland?

MacLeland is a password encrypter and network authenticator. It encrypts your login password, which is then sent to IR.STANFORD.EDU. Kerberized servers on the Stanford campus contact IR.STANFORD.EDU to authenticate your connection. This saves you from typing your password for each computer connection you attempt, ie, once for Eudora, then for a CMGM session, again for a Leland connection, etc.

Because MacLeland encrypts your password, unscrupulous types can only view a garbage string for your password instead of the password itself.

Some Background on MacLeland

Computers with MacLeland installed have the following icon in the top-right corner of the screen:

If this MacLeland icon is not visible on your screen, directions for downloading MacLeland are available here.

If the icon appears as below, with double arrows above a Quad image, a Kerberized session is already in use:

If a Kerberized session is in use, click the MacLeland icon and select "Logout:username" from the menu. Normally, "username" is the SUNet ID of the person using the Kerberized session. Stanford University prohibits use of Kerberized sessions that are not initiated with your own SUNet ID.

Kerberized Logins

To use Kerberos, select "Login..." from the MacLeland menu:

You should see the following window:

Enter your SUNet (Leland) ID and password for the "SUNet ID:" and "Password:" fields, respectively and click the "OK" button.

You should also notice the following icon in the top right corner of the screen in the menubar (note the double-arrows over the picture of the Stanford Quad!):

Configuring for Kerberized Connnections

More instructions availabale here for Kerberizing Eudora or for more information about using MacLeland with CMGM telnet sessions, visit this page here.

Last Updated: Thursday, March 11, 1999