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Open Transport and MacSLIP Information

What are Open Transport and MacSLIP?

Open Transport (OT/PPP) is Apple's protocol-independent communications software for remote access. It allows an off-campus Macintosh to become a full-fledged SUNet node with its own IP address; this makes off-campus connections to SUNet very similar to (although somewhat slower than) campus connections. With OT/PPP in place you can use software such as MacSamson or NCSA telnet to run multiple communication sessions. You can use a UNIX host or POP programs like Eudora to read and reply to electronic mail while you are simultaneously connected to the Internet via a newsreader such as NewsWatcher, or a World Wide Web browser such as Netscape Navigator. Or you can connect to multiple hosts and use data from each to prepare a document on one of the hosts.

MacSLIP is a less efficient alternative to Open Transport. It is used for older Macintoshes, or for Macintoshes running less recent system software. Whenever possible, ITSS recommends you use Open Transport for Macintosh networking.

How do I know if I can use Open Transport?

Open Transport and OT/PPP have been a standard part of the MacOS since system 7.6, although System 7.6 will not install OT/PPP unless you direct it to do so. System 8.x will automatically install OT/PPP.

If your Macintosh isn't running Open Transport, e.g. System 7.5.2 or older, you'll need to upgrade your System software to at least 7.5.3 to use OT/PPP. If you're running System 7.5.3, you may switch between Classic Networking and Open Transport using the "System Software Selector" found in the "Apple Extras" folder on your hard disk.

System 7.5.2 and below use MacTCP only. MacTCP users who do not wish to upgrade can continue to access SUNet with MacSLIP.

To determine which version of system software your Macintosh is running select "About this Computer" (or "About this Macintosh") from the Apple menu towards the top left corner of the screen.

If you cannot upgrade to OS 7.5.3 or later, then we grudgingly recommend MacSLIP. To run MacSLIP, you must have MacTCP. For the best results, you will need: MacTCP 2.0.6 or later, which requires AppleTalk 58.1.1 or later. If your off-campus Macintosh is running System 7.1 or lower, you will have to update your MacTCP and AppleTalk.

To determine the version of MacTCP you have on your Macintosh, open the MacTCP Control Panel (from the "Control Panels" folder accessed under the Apple menu). If the MacTCP version number at the bottom of the panel is lower than 2.0.6, or if you do not have MacTCP installed, you need to install or upgrade MacTCP.

How do I Get Open Transport or MacSLIP?

The easiest way to get OT/PPP is to upgrade your system software to 7.6 or higher because OT/PPP is part of the system installation. If you are already running System 7.6, run the Installer again, select Custom install, and select OT/PPP only.

If you are already running System 8.0, the OT/PPP software was installed as part of that installation. Mac OS software (including System 8.1) that is licensed to Stanford is available at the ITSS MacOS Web site. If you are not ready to upgrade to 7.6 or higher but you are running 7.5.3 or higher, you can find the OT/PPP installer software, as well as the Open Transport installer software, in the MacStanford collection of software.

Note that if you intend to use MacSLIP to connect to the internet, you must also download the MacTCP 2.0.6 package from the MacStanford web site.

The MacStanford software programs are available from several sources:

1) Online distribution of all software and documentation via the MacStanford Web site. You will need your SUNet ID and password in order to download these materials. Mac OS software (including System 8.1) that is licensed to Stanford is also available there.

2) A package including MacStanford software on CD-ROM including paper copies of documentation is available for $5 from Networking Systems, 115 Pine Hall.

3) Your Local Network Administrator has a copy of the CD and may provide assistance for other means of installation (such as from floppies or a ZIP drive).

I already have the software...
How do I configure Open Transport or MacSLIP?

Instructions for configuring Open Transport or MacSLIP to dial in to the network.

Last Updated: Monday, December 21, 1998